How to Win a Lose/Lose
I tweeted this the earlier this week and it took off and reached a lot of people and got passed around a bit. But, what was my thinking behind this tweet? That's the point of this email. Let's dive in.
I posted this after watching one or two accounts that seemed to be trying to pick fights with bigger accounts, for some reason beyond my grasp. Without knowing the details, I got to thinking about how many arguments, snide remarks and just plain, flat out rude remarks that get posted on a daily basis.
So I tried to put this thought into a reality based context and apply it. So I got this vision of walking down a busy NYC street (the busiest streets I've ever seen) and eavesdropping on every conversation you could hear. Imagine that, it would be thousands. Then, I tried to imagine simply disagreeing with every single one and what that would entail.
Hours and hours of arguing, probably an ass beating and in the end, never getting where I needed to go, which is the destination of MY path. Why? Because I wasted time arguing and probably would have changed exactly zero minds. No one likes to be confronted with the fact they are wrong, much less from a total stranger. Definitely a lose situation.
Now, apply that to social media, in this particular case, Twitter. (Works as well with FB) You can spend endless hours and countless energies poking and arguing with, well, everyone if you so chose to. However, we must all ask ourselves this, both online and in real life, is any particular tift, fight or argument, worth being a hill to die on, so to speak?
Do we need to waste or time or put that time to good use? Try to avoid the fights, tune out when and if needed and focus on being a positive light, making everything and everyone around you as best as you can make them.
Make it a win/win.
Semper Fortis
Chief Chuck
P.S. You can purchase a copy of my new ebook, Sailor Words, on gumroad. $5 purchase price and 50% of proceeds go to supporting my local Veteran's Home.