Oh no, not that kind of patient. I'm talking about being patient. This viral outbreak has taught me more about being patient with people and events than it has about infectious diseases and how quickly they can spread.
Granted, it shouldn't have taken a global pandemic to teach me how to be a bit more patient, but we'll take our silver linings where we can find them, right?
You see, as a leader, I've not always been the most patient, and I tend to not suffer fools lightly. However, when working in an office, I found the social interaction a fun distraction, so long as it didn't interfere with the work being done.
But in the 'new normal', working from home and remote from each other, I'm finding that some people don't handle the seclusion as well as others and may have actually thrived on the social interaction of the office life. Nor do they handle the lack of social interaction in the personal lives, either.
As the team leader, I'm learning to be more patient in regards to letting my team find their groove, in being tolerant of social text messaging on the team text group and the increase of quizzes, challenges and other 'distractions' people are putting on social media.
While it may not be my thing, I'm learning to accept it and understand that not everyone works to my speed, and may not handle new things as well as others. As Rush sang in Tom Sawyer, I need to learn that "changes aren't permanent, but change is"
Lead from the front!
Semper Fortis